Trigonometry PowerPoints
Dugopolski Book PowerPoint
Section 1.1 - Angles and Degree Measure
Section 1.2 - Radian Measure, Arc Length, and Area
Section 1.3 - Angular and Linear Velocity
Section 1.4 - The Trigonometric Functions
Section 1.5 - Right Triangle Trigonometry
Section 1.6 - The Fundamental Identity and Reference Angles
Unit Circle PowerPoint
Section 2.1 - The Unit Circle and Graphing
Section 2.2 - The General Sine Wave
Section 2.3 - Graphs of the Secant and Cosecant Functions
Section 2.4 - Graphs of the Tangent and Cotangent Functions
Section 2.5 - Combining Functions
Section 3.1 - Basic Identities
Section 3.2 - Verifying Identities
Section 3.3 - Sum and Difference Identities for Cosine
Section 3.4 - Sum and Difference Identities for Sine and Tangent
Section 3.5 - Double-Angle and Half-Angle Identities
Section 4.1 - The Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Section 4.2 - Basic Sine, Cosine and Tangent Equations
Section 4.3 - Multiple Angle Equations
Section 4.4 - Trigonometric Equations of Quadratic Type
Section 5.1 - The Law of Sines
Section 5.2 - The Law of Cosines
Section 5.3 - Area of a Triangle
Section 5.4 - Vectors
Section 5.5 - Applications of Vectors
Section 6.1 - Complex Numbers
Section 6.2 - Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers
Section 6.3 - Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers
Section 6.4 - Polar Equations
Section 6.5 - Parametric Equations